Libra is the seventh sign of the astrological year and is known by its astrological symbol, the Scales. Libra individuals are artistic, affectionate, and refined. With Venus as the ruling planet, people born under this sign are considered to be attractive and fashion-conscious. They seek peace and joy through personal and professional relationships.
The Libra Woman
Because she is usually so attractive and charming, it is sometimes difficult for men to appreciate the talents and intellect of the typical Libra woman. In many ways she is the most feminine of the zodiacal types. It has been said that although she thinks like a man, she reasons like a woman. These women have a natural ability to make relationships work. Though self-sufficient, they are not happy alone and usually have a partner in their lives.
The Libra Child
Libra children are naturally sweet and obedient. Even on rare occasions when their behavior is rebellious or aggressive, they are more well-mannered than other children. Adolescence brings big changes; this is often the first time that the placid Libra child becomes difficult. They usually manage to retain their lovableness, but their freedom-loving nature often draws them into controversy.
The Libra Lover
Libra men and women are the most romantic among the zodiacal types. Venus-ruled, they have an idealistic view of love and togetherness. Once these people fall in love, they start thinking of marriage. Libras don't enjoy romantic suffering. Whenever they are disappointed in a relationship, a Libra man or woman will spend a little time grieving and then move to another partnership.
The Libra Friend
Because they are very social people, Libras make good friends. Libras are great counselors, because they have the ability to weigh the pros and cons of an idea fairly and without bias. They love giving parties, and they have talent for making people feel at ease. Although they may seem superficial at times, anyone who knows these charming men and women understands that they have an intriguingly profound side to their nature.
Libras born on September 25 have a strong sense of honor and integrity. These sharply focused individuals expect a great deal of themselves. Opinionated and ethical, they are motivated to achieve worldly and spiritual success. These elegant, self-possessed people have a tendency to brood.
Friends and Lovers: September 25 individuals favor a small but select circle of friends. Although they aren't given to confiding in others, they're likely to display their feelings through nonverbal clues or actions. They are highly romantic and can be drawn into unwise relationships because the lure of excitement is too great to resist.
Children and Family: People born on this date have a need for emotional closure. This is not simply a forgive-and-forget proposition; they need to understand what went wrong. They are dedicated to giving their children a more nurturing home environment than they experienced.
Health: People born on this date are always trying to achieve balance in all areas, including health matters. They understand the value of exercise and enjoy competitive sports. September 25 individuals understand that meditation and relaxation are important to achieving balance.
Career and Finances: Because September 25 people present a good appearance, they often seek careers that allow them to "show off" their looks. They are more concerned with protecting their assets than trying to make more, yet they have good instincts for investments.
Dreams and Goals: September 25 individuals are interested in exploring their nature. This can be difficult because they are sometimes afraid of their own intensity. Marriage, children, and career changes all help these complicated individuals define themselves.
hey, friends, how true is tis?? tell me kay! =p
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Wats in a name?
Today, i saw a friend not once but twice. She looks veri familiar but i cant remember where i known her from... When i saw her for the first time, i was quite bothered that i cant remember where i got to know her, n much less her name.. I couldnt link her to any of the people who entered my life before. But after a while, i gave up... went back to trying to understand DNA cloning... lol..
Then, during the later part of the day, i saw the same girl in ARTS again. fated ya.. haha. So, i was determine to recall at least where i got to know her from rite?? By elimination method, at last i remembered.. a friend i got to know when i went back to nuh to work during my 2nd stint. But still cant remember her name la. paiseh.
well, wats in a name?? i read from somewhere before. Tat a name is created for something if one uses it often enough and is able to influence others to start using it... Wat do you call rain that hits on the window?? Is there a special name for it?? no rite? not currently... but if i decided to call it 'pitter patter pit'. And if i am determined enough to say,' hey! look at that pitter patter pit..' to every stranger i see (well, if they don tink that i'm mad) whenever there's rain, who knows, mayb a few months mayb a few years later, i would have fans for 'pitter patter pit'. =p
Otherwise, how do u think the words, 'webcast' , 'negative marking', 'repeat again' and 'tucking out of shirt' came about?? Negative marking??? wats that? Actually it doesnt make sense at all.. Marking is an act, n yet we are negating it.. Imagining saying negative running... Shld i run backward for that instead? Or mayb i shldnt even bothering running at all.. LOL..
Repeat again?? Huh? repeat means to do another time, with 'again', shld i now repeat once or twice?? *scratch head*
And lastly, school students' favourite phase, 'tucking out'.. Tucking is an act where u put something in, so how can u 'out' it?? See!! Some of these words doesnt make sense at all yet we hear them being used all the time... so.... maybe there's realli hope for pitter patter pit. =p
Then, during the later part of the day, i saw the same girl in ARTS again. fated ya.. haha. So, i was determine to recall at least where i got to know her from rite?? By elimination method, at last i remembered.. a friend i got to know when i went back to nuh to work during my 2nd stint. But still cant remember her name la. paiseh.
well, wats in a name?? i read from somewhere before. Tat a name is created for something if one uses it often enough and is able to influence others to start using it... Wat do you call rain that hits on the window?? Is there a special name for it?? no rite? not currently... but if i decided to call it 'pitter patter pit'. And if i am determined enough to say,' hey! look at that pitter patter pit..' to every stranger i see (well, if they don tink that i'm mad) whenever there's rain, who knows, mayb a few months mayb a few years later, i would have fans for 'pitter patter pit'. =p
Otherwise, how do u think the words, 'webcast' , 'negative marking', 'repeat again' and 'tucking out of shirt' came about?? Negative marking??? wats that? Actually it doesnt make sense at all.. Marking is an act, n yet we are negating it.. Imagining saying negative running... Shld i run backward for that instead? Or mayb i shldnt even bothering running at all.. LOL..
Repeat again?? Huh? repeat means to do another time, with 'again', shld i now repeat once or twice?? *scratch head*
And lastly, school students' favourite phase, 'tucking out'.. Tucking is an act where u put something in, so how can u 'out' it?? See!! Some of these words doesnt make sense at all yet we hear them being used all the time... so.... maybe there's realli hope for pitter patter pit. =p
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Went to jk's place last evening for a COT gathering. i tink most of us were looking forward to the fun and company. had a massive fastfood dinner. haha jk prepared lots of alcohol too.. he was like the bartender for the nite.. Let me recall what he had... There were hoegarden, erdinger, tequila and whisky. Zee bought bailey's n i bought vodka which had been standing long at home since no one drinks it.. i tried a bit of everything to taste them. Don like the taste of hoegarden, although the guys were saying that it is the easiest drinking beer.. To me, it taste totally like cough, cold mixture.. eeks. Prefer tequila to whisky but both actually don taste good... like wat edwin said, neat liquer smell and taste like kerosene. hard liquer is so dry and dehydrating.. i had mostly bailey's... hmm warm chocolate milk.. 17% alcohol. lol. was a bit seh towards the end. not drunk but had the dull sleepy feeling. felt veri lazy n just felt like lazing around. This is the first time i drank an amount that make me feel seh. Usually, i will limit myself to just 1-2 glasses of red wine. Feeling seh is actually not a veri nice feeling. But, jk is really a good host. Thanks so much. Imposed on u till so late and made a mess of ur place. And thanks junkai for driving us home all the way.. hmm, i have photos of last nite but cant post them now coz i left my camera at jk's place.. lol, slipped out of my bloggled mind last nite.
PS. had lots of weird dreams tat seems so real last nite.. they are funny dreams but sweet as well =p
PS. had lots of weird dreams tat seems so real last nite.. they are funny dreams but sweet as well =p
Friday, January 25, 2008
out of sight, out of mind?
A friend of mine stand by tis line,
'if i had to leave you, I want you to know that in the end, it wasn't because I stopped caring, it was because you stopped being a friend.'
I've always wondered how true is tat. it sounds like a line one who is wu nai bout the relationship n has alreadi given up hope on it would use.. i used to tink i understood this line well. but i realise in the end, this may not be always true.. or mayb i've failed as as a friend in your context. i don tink i have though. i m confident of tat.
'Out of sight, out of mind' was another line i was taught. 'NO' i'll always answer. out of sight doesnt necessarily mean out of mind.. unless the person executing it is adamant bout making it true. onli then, this is possible.
'if i had to leave you, I want you to know that in the end, it wasn't because I stopped caring, it was because you stopped being a friend.'
I've always wondered how true is tat. it sounds like a line one who is wu nai bout the relationship n has alreadi given up hope on it would use.. i used to tink i understood this line well. but i realise in the end, this may not be always true.. or mayb i've failed as as a friend in your context. i don tink i have though. i m confident of tat.
'Out of sight, out of mind' was another line i was taught. 'NO' i'll always answer. out of sight doesnt necessarily mean out of mind.. unless the person executing it is adamant bout making it true. onli then, this is possible.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
the first thing i heard from my mum tis morning was a spine-thrilling
event.. someone commited suicide near my block.. the block in front of mine actually.. guess how... a guy in his fifties hanged himself on the tree... it was found by a cleaner in the wee hours tis morning... my mum heard it from the market actually... nono its not gossip, coz at 10 when i peer out the window to the carpark, the black police van used for transporting dead bodies was downstairs.. there was another white police van.. shortly after i saw the black van swerved to the other side of the carpark n saw some policemen carrying the body up the van.. was debating whether to take photos of it.. coz its not veri nice rite, n pandang.. but such events r rare so took photos anyway.. but the process of carrying
the body up the van was blocked by the trees, so cant see it.. scary... to tink tat tree is along the path which i will walk sometimes in the night... will steer clear of tat area from now...
in sch, ph is realli getting cuter lesson by lesson.. his accent is difficult to decipher, till now i still cant understand him sometimes, n was actually quite sian diao tat he's taking us tis sem again... he's nice but sometimes difficult to understand.. but he's realli putting in tat effort n we can all see.. todae, he proved to us how lame can he be.. lol.. sometimes i sort of feel paiseh for him, coz he will ask a qns or say a joke yet no one respond to him.. then he hav to find tai jie himself.... then it was ew lecture.. tis guy is getting on my nerves.. his onli plus point is tat he speaks understandable english... tis is yet another guy who likes to ask qns to my class who don like to respond to questions... lol.
in sch, ph is realli getting cuter lesson by lesson.. his accent is difficult to decipher, till now i still cant understand him sometimes, n was actually quite sian diao tat he's taking us tis sem again... he's nice but sometimes difficult to understand.. but he's realli putting in tat effort n we can all see.. todae, he proved to us how lame can he be.. lol.. sometimes i sort of feel paiseh for him, coz he will ask a qns or say a joke yet no one respond to him.. then he hav to find tai jie himself.... then it was ew lecture.. tis guy is getting on my nerves.. his onli plus point is tat he speaks understandable english... tis is yet another guy who likes to ask qns to my class who don like to respond to questions... lol.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
First time.. well second to be exact
Hiya!! tis is my first entry in this blog but actually it's my 2nd attempt in blogging... long ago, i used to hav one somewhere else, secretly stashed coz many of my friends complain that tt blog of mine never load for them.. lol somehow onli a few ppl managed to read my secret blog.. mysterious ya..anyway tt blog is now malfunctioned... n it was my darker days.. well, i'm alright now, n it all calls for a new start!!
hav been considering for a long time whether to start a blog.. considering whether i've the time to maintain it, whether the content tt i'm gg to write is wat i wan all to noe. in the end, i've decided to give blogging another try but then i didnt come ard to setting up an account.. decision was made last week, but procrastination. yet again... one of my reason to blog was so tat it can help mi remember daily hopefully i hav interesting enough events to blog!!
well well, todae... free day!! woke up onli at 12pm.. the weather was realli nice.. suppose to go for a morning jog.. but well, wasnt feeling well.. nvm, tml i shall make up to it.. since by the time i wake up, half of the day is gone, its kind of expected tt i din managed to gnaw through the entire pile of notes tat has been increasing exponentially... at least i started.. shall cont to jiayou n cont praying hard the lecturers would go slow.. lol..
seriously, one reason i don like to stay home is coz i will eat non-stop.. tis is realli bad!! alternating between snacks n main meals, my mouth rarely gets to stop.. let mi recap my menu for the day n i bet there will b a shock... at 12 plus i had bfast (2 small char siew baos), then shortly had lunch (bee hoon soup), when i was studying, i had quarter slice bak hwa, grapes, fish crackers, koreans tibits, then was dinner-time.. n when at last i decided its time to stop for the day... there u go.. my mum jus brought a small plate of cherries to me... oh my.... staying home is bad............ lol
hav been considering for a long time whether to start a blog.. considering whether i've the time to maintain it, whether the content tt i'm gg to write is wat i wan all to noe. in the end, i've decided to give blogging another try but then i didnt come ard to setting up an account.. decision was made last week, but procrastination. yet again... one of my reason to blog was so tat it can help mi remember daily hopefully i hav interesting enough events to blog!!
well well, todae... free day!! woke up onli at 12pm.. the weather was realli nice.. suppose to go for a morning jog.. but well, wasnt feeling well.. nvm, tml i shall make up to it.. since by the time i wake up, half of the day is gone, its kind of expected tt i din managed to gnaw through the entire pile of notes tat has been increasing exponentially... at least i started.. shall cont to jiayou n cont praying hard the lecturers would go slow.. lol..
seriously, one reason i don like to stay home is coz i will eat non-stop.. tis is realli bad!! alternating between snacks n main meals, my mouth rarely gets to stop.. let mi recap my menu for the day n i bet there will b a shock... at 12 plus i had bfast (2 small char siew baos), then shortly had lunch (bee hoon soup), when i was studying, i had quarter slice bak hwa, grapes, fish crackers, koreans tibits, then was dinner-time.. n when at last i decided its time to stop for the day... there u go.. my mum jus brought a small plate of cherries to me... oh my.... staying home is bad............ lol
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