Saturday, July 26, 2008
tis week i had a boring life... after work is home to do more work.. but at least get to eat dinner at home.. felt like i haven been eating home for a long time.. think think a bit, yuan lai is coz last week busy w dive prep.. lol realised something, last week i had prata twice... more than i eat rice i tink... oh no.
hey ppl, next week is my last week of attachment le!! 13yao ppl, lets meet on fri nite to go drinking.. haha.. those who wan contact me k... =p
PS. hav time to blog now coz my boy who suppose to hav tuition at 3 say he mood swing tdy..din wan to come.. after clever liase with his mum, he is suppose to come later.. well well, not here yet, dunno wat to expect from a boy who is stuck in puberty... lol
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
nothing is constant except change... can it be not true.. i wan to preserve some stuff but like sand, it seems to b slipping through my hands... seeing all of us graduating one by one.. next year is my turn, kat's turn and sing's turn.. machaim we like the products of factory production chain like tat... sometimes feel stress.. everything is moving on everyday.. sometimes i just wish things would slow down for me to savour the nice moments... i miss the times where i get to sit at the audience stand in tj's field, facing the wind, chatting with my dear friends..
Weekend getaway

for more interesting stuff bout my dive trip, interested parties can refer to
Thursday, July 17, 2008
chronic fatigue
well well friends, i noe i'm veri inactive online lately. i dunno bout ur latest happenings, ur latest gossip and latest hobby... well well, wat can i say... 'HEY!!! i'm still around!!! jus plain busy...'
i don see much of anyone lately... the person i c most is the person who is 'stuck' with me for 6 weeks in a 'ooo, i'm so lucky' sort of way... realli lucky... if not i'll have to 'disappear' off alone la.. that will be damn sad...
tired- up to the point where i can get dizzy sometimes and an intense longing for the bed all time... chronic fatigue... old alreadi...
trying to create more stuff for myself... taking up diving.. veri hectic la.. pushing.. but its fun. good experience. setting off this friday.. i'll survive through.. wat don break me makes me stronger...
meantime, hey friends don forget me k. don cut me out of ur circle circle.... =)
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
dear bday todae.. on sun, we went out to celebrate... went mount faber safra, the jap restaurant, 'Himawari'.. nice nice. had buffet.. the sashimi was nice.. we ordered 2 plates of mixed sashimi.. had shabu shabu too.. a lot of other food.. had a lot.. got more food i wanted to order but realli cant stomach liao... then we went to walk walk Henderson Waves.. a newly constructed overhead broadwalk shaped like waves.. interesting.. at Mt Faber, it reminds me of the recent Hk trip to The Peak.. the peak was much higher la of coz, but the winding road up did feel a teeny weeny bit like the Peak.. i prefer THE PEAK road though veri wind-y.. but even at Mt Faber, when we were gg downhill, dear jus let the car go free fall, and the speed was alreadi 40km/h, fun la...
hee was tinking whether without a cake on sun, he will b disappointed not.. but it was all part of my plan la... did a surprise for him tonite... hahaa.. had a good time n laugh... though it was onli for a short while.. :p thanks guanting for ur help :)
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Stonign n nua-ing
there's a difference between stoning and nua-ing u noe..
i rule stoning as my top most favourite... coz it can be done everywhere and anywhere.... u jus zone out, switch off ur mind.. people close to me will noe, i can stone anywhere... =) hee...
my second fav is nua-ing... for nua-ing, u can do stuff while lazing around.... tis is more difficult to achieve.. the difference from stoning is that tis invovles the use of the brain.. but u need time n the correct place... haven been nua-ing for a long time....
now i don even hav time to stone.... ah...................... i miss them!!!!