some men are liken to be enzymes.. and we, the women in this equation are the substrate... yes, enzymes are highly specific... they look out for specific quality like pretty face, nice figure, long legs.. and we the substrates are just trying to look for a complementary fit... and when enzymes got the the substrate, biochemical reactions will occur.. women thinks that its chemistry... but enzymes are actively trying to break it down... the end products are so much different from the initial substrate and it will no longer fit the active site of the enzyme... when tis happens, the enzyme will release the substrate... substrate, also failing to recognise itself has no choice but to leave... and what happens to the enzyme??? it will go on looking for its new substrate to catayse lor.... and please bear in mind that an enzyme's turnover rate is very high...
scary hor.......
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
this is unintentional.. not on purpose that i don blog recently.. just tired. T-I-R-E-D. just first week... hav fun learning but a lot of assignments which i tink i may not realli hav the time to 'enjoy'...... its wearing me out.... so please pardon me...
caught a breather last nite with dear. went to watch 'Don Mess with Zohan'... stupidly lame movie.. knew it was lame but din noe it was THAT lame... was laughing non-stop... its silly things that will never happen in real life... but i was just amazed n wondering wat the scriptwriter was thinking when he was writing the script... he is mad!!! normal ppl would not hav such weird ideas... (well, i assume its a guy.. coz its just too much crap for a lady to tink off.. ladies just watch..) lol... pizza hut closed before we could sink our teeth into it... :( but so coincidental.. todae workplace, tehy treated pizza hut.. LOL....
i dunno where to find the time to do assignments..... die, dying.............. not yet die-ed...
caught a breather last nite with dear. went to watch 'Don Mess with Zohan'... stupidly lame movie.. knew it was lame but din noe it was THAT lame... was laughing non-stop... its silly things that will never happen in real life... but i was just amazed n wondering wat the scriptwriter was thinking when he was writing the script... he is mad!!! normal ppl would not hav such weird ideas... (well, i assume its a guy.. coz its just too much crap for a lady to tink off.. ladies just watch..) lol... pizza hut closed before we could sink our teeth into it... :( but so coincidental.. todae workplace, tehy treated pizza hut.. LOL....
i dunno where to find the time to do assignments..... die, dying.............. not yet die-ed...
Monday, June 23, 2008
first day
first day of preceptorship todae..
din see much of my preceptor todae coz she busy.. yes its a 'she'.. at first by the name, i tot its a guy again... lol...
the satellite pharmacy i'm in seems quite fun... the people there r nice... at least first impression la.
lucky was with pearlyn. v lcuky la.. onli both of us got to work tog..
i hav goldfish memory n it got proven again todae... hopefully i will get more familarise by 2 more days???
lots of work to do here..
longer hours also...
hope i survive n still hav time for things i wanna do n for people i wan to spend with...
din see much of my preceptor todae coz she busy.. yes its a 'she'.. at first by the name, i tot its a guy again... lol...
the satellite pharmacy i'm in seems quite fun... the people there r nice... at least first impression la.
lucky was with pearlyn. v lcuky la.. onli both of us got to work tog..
i hav goldfish memory n it got proven again todae... hopefully i will get more familarise by 2 more days???
lots of work to do here..
longer hours also...
hope i survive n still hav time for things i wanna do n for people i wan to spend with...
Sunday, June 22, 2008
The Making of Our Masterpiece...
Prove that we do work...
WOO HOO!!! we succeeded!!! we successfully baked a nice, chocolatey, fluffly chocolate cake... cakes r not easy to bake... i failed several times before... dont like to bake cakes.. muffins and cookies r much easier.. but last nite, kat found a recipe online and we decided to follow it.. n Viola! it was good... onli kat, sy n mi were doing the baking lor... someone was busy sleeping... we got prove de... muz facebook it somemore.. lol... since i had some bananas and nutella at home, we decided to be impromptu and made nutella banana chocolate cake too.. the end result will be one of our first creation for our CAFE, presenting to all, 'NANATELLA'!!!! copyrighted k... don copy us...
Kat n sy playing with the cake knife....Drooling??? ?
thereafter we played mj... quietly sneak to play leaving angie sleeping. haha.. had steamboat at nite... yummy... opened bailey's too... i tink i prefer the caramel flavoured compared to original... din drink a lot todae... hahaha i don drink.. *wink*. dear came also n tried our freshly baked NANATELLA! =p hmm din play much mj todae... wan to play more!!!...
PS serious sore throat... tml suppose to go k... not much hope to go liao la... if not first day of attachment scully mc... no good... :(
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Busy day
today is a busy day.. got SATC season 1 & 2 in my hands now... tried to chiong it this afternoon with dear.. work starting soon, no such free time to watch liao...
then evening was busy... 2 engagements tonite... it's difficult to choose between both, hence i went for both in the end..
met up library ppl... saw mrs chua whom i haven seen in almost 6yrs... hence, the need for tonite's gathering... but the turnout was again the few of us whom i've met up quite recently.. nvm at least got to c mrs chua.. well, this gathering was confirmed earlier than 13yao outing..n i've already given my promise hence i felt that regardless, i hav to at least attend it..
13yao outing tonight was at Shokudo.. its a get-together since mr teo is back and its to also celebrate his belated bday which was yest.. the confirming of dates was rather last minute coz we were unsure when mr teo is free... tot he jus come back will be veri busy entertaining mah... plus i facebook him last week, he din reply me... hmm todae 13yao no zehao, end up we cant 'hu' again... i noe 13yao does not come by often... but hopefully it will soon happen... :)
then evening was busy... 2 engagements tonite... it's difficult to choose between both, hence i went for both in the end..
met up library ppl... saw mrs chua whom i haven seen in almost 6yrs... hence, the need for tonite's gathering... but the turnout was again the few of us whom i've met up quite recently.. nvm at least got to c mrs chua.. well, this gathering was confirmed earlier than 13yao outing..n i've already given my promise hence i felt that regardless, i hav to at least attend it..
13yao outing tonight was at Shokudo.. its a get-together since mr teo is back and its to also celebrate his belated bday which was yest.. the confirming of dates was rather last minute coz we were unsure when mr teo is free... tot he jus come back will be veri busy entertaining mah... plus i facebook him last week, he din reply me... hmm todae 13yao no zehao, end up we cant 'hu' again... i noe 13yao does not come by often... but hopefully it will soon happen... :)
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Yeah!! mr teo is back!! got to talk to him todae... not much has changed... he is still who he is, and we r still who we are.. jus that for the past 9mths, we lived our own lives with a 13hr difference... but glad that tis 13hr difference haven changed much of the friendship. looking forward for friday 13yaos gathering... cant hav full attendance again.. oh well, with 13 ppl i guess its kinda hard to coordinate.... but i'm sure we will hav a good time...
dear sensed tat i'm not veri pleased with myself yest... todae, when we met, he surprised me with flowers... haha.. quite sweet hor... thanks dar.
dear sensed tat i'm not veri pleased with myself yest... todae, when we met, he surprised me with flowers... haha.. quite sweet hor... thanks dar.
went cycling plus a bbq @ ECP todae... rainy day... after so many days of bright and sunny... so qiao hor... so cycled in the rain todae... tink my cycling skills is slowly improving.... maybe with a little more confidence in myself in it, i'll cycle better... muz go cycling more... ooo, jus love to cycle on a weekday.... :)
-the kuku in me-
Sunday, June 15, 2008
My new Asus lappie!!!
aiyoz i'm now a proud owner of an Asus laptop!!! actually i hav no urgent need for a new laptop... surviving well with my old desktop but well, sometimes with urgent deadlines to meet, 2 PCs at home may realli b a great help.. trying to get use to the functioning of tis new friend... hopes that it serves me well and does not fail me.... for some reason, i hav some negative magic powers on electronic gadgets so muz b careful... lolz...
And a point to note, this lappie is neither of the 2 that i was considering 2 days ago.. well, my NEC got snapped off even though i went on the 3rd day instead of the 4th.. n well, my sis was wary with Acer, n that Acer not v chio also... at least i like the interface of my Asus.. quite pretty.. :)
PS tis is my first post on my lappie.... okok.. gg to explore more of my new friend now... :)
And a point to note, this lappie is neither of the 2 that i was considering 2 days ago.. well, my NEC got snapped off even though i went on the 3rd day instead of the 4th.. n well, my sis was wary with Acer, n that Acer not v chio also... at least i like the interface of my Asus.. quite pretty.. :)
PS tis is my first post on my lappie.... okok.. gg to explore more of my new friend now... :)
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Tough Decision...
oh ya prob will get a new laptop tml from the PC show... went to racky there yest liao.. hee.. but its shared property w my sis la... still choosing between 2 models.... tough choice... shld i go for looks or calibre.... but the one with looks is not bad either.... but the one without good looks has better nei han... tough choice tough choice..
Movie hop
did something naughty todae... dear n i movie hopped.. was thinking bout the possibility of it last nite... both of us wan to try but a bit scared get caught... if get caught a bit embarassing rite.. but wanna try n c whether it can b done coz we noe ppl who had it done before... we bought tickets for 'Kungfu Panda', purposely chose a timing which is close to the next movie 'The Incredible Hulk'. After the movie, we went toilet a while... actually its quite do-able la coz the cinema is close to the washroom. but the thing is once in the cinema, hav to pray hard that the seats u choose arent taken up in the first place.. if not will increase chances of getting caught.. so each time a stranger lurks near where we were seated, we held our breath for a moment... n during the movie the GV guy walked around the cinema 3times lor.. no increase in heart beat but i was figidity... hmm naughty things do once can le.. we r not cut out to do bad things...
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Dim Sum @ ECP

the giant penguin... lolz

todae is a FUN day!!!! went for Tung Lok Dim Sum lunch @ ECP with agnes, sherlyn, sabrina n michael.. veri full for the whole day... the egg tarts were nice... agnes n i ate like a lot... i like those flaky kind. yum! hey ppl, tell u ah, next time u all go for buffets muz rmb to tell the waitress how many servings u wan.. we wanted onli one serving of fried rice, it came as one whole big plate of rice... faintz.. plus the rice veri dry not v nice... had trouble finishing... next time go buffet let's bring more guys k... haha. guys can realli eat la.. the table near us had all guys n we went in ard the same time.. but by the time all of us were like brimming with dim sum, the guys were still eating.. pei fu pei fu...
after lunch, we went cycling.. 3hrs again.. haha i love cycling @ ECP.. the road is so straight.. FUN! but todae is a leisure cycle. not so xiong.. chatted as we cycled.. taking in the breeze and laughter.. catching up on each other's life.. hmm relaxing...
one more day.... patiently waiting....
Monday, June 9, 2008
Motherhood @ EXPO

4 days of work ended... short and sweet. like the pneumo-bear.. so cute.. kids love the bear... but some weird parents cant see that its a bear.. some say its a rabbit, a mouse, more ridiculously many actually tell their kid that it is an elephant... sometimes when i hear it, i buay tahan, to protect the identity of our pneumo-bear, i will tell the parents that its a bear... i tink the funniest one i heard was a parent saying to his little kiddo, ' hey, look at Barney!!!' i was like 'huh??!!' which part of it looks like Barney?? Barney's purple u noe... n i nearly fainted when that particular DAD turn to his back. you noe wat?? he was carrying his son Barney bag and Barney just right behind him and he cant see the difference... a bit hmm rite... hahaha
but realli happy to work in this Motherhood fair... some kids are realli beautiful and cute... this fair also strenghten my liking for 3 year olds... u noe, 3 year olds are usually veri cute.. coz they jus learn to talk, they give u wonderful insights to certain things and will also steadfastly hold on to their beliefs.. its always fresh and enlightening listening to them.. they make me laugh... u noe, sometimes kids really do say the darnest things...
In view that todae's Dumplings festival, show you guys my first xiang yang dumpling i made at my ah ma's house few weeks ago.. haha somehow my mum very enthu for me to learn (dunno why)... when the dumplings are cooking, she purposely took raw glutinuous rice and taught me how to wrap it... :) at least now my dumplings has 4 edges... hahaha
Saturday, June 7, 2008
part-time job
a bit slow in blogging this few days coz 2 days ago while i'm preparing to type my resume in hope of saving my plummenting bank account, a job agency actually called me n ask me to do last minute stand in for an event in EXPO. so here i am, working for 4 days.... its a 12 to 10pm job, so it realli does take up most part of my days... oh well, need to work then hav money mah.. realli lucky n with good timing i got this job... quite slack job somemore.. i was so bored coz no customers jus now tt i walked around, and i saw shu fang, so qiao.. she was following her preceptor doing roadshow. exciting lo, i din hav the chance a year ago... yest went bedok guardian to buy my med then i saw another yr2 pharm student.. lol pharm ppl r everywhere!! hopefully, next time whenever i go, i'll see a familiar face :)
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
HK trip after thoughts
I'm back from HK!!!! first time on a free and easy tour.. learnt how to read maps, orientate, get lost n find way back again.. challenging... now we noe why ppl living in HK wear sneakers... coz HK has so many slopes n steps.... no wonder in HK so many slim ladies around... the steps muz hav gave them tone legs... lol
i like their street food. tried a few of them.. like the takopachi, curry fishballs, deep-fried pig intestines, curry cuttlefish, and the dan dan waffles...those were nice.. the one that i had trouble liking is the fried century egg... i wanted to try it... i don like the taste but at least i tried it... wanted to try different variety.. u don noe wats nice till u tried it, isnt it? =p xu liu shan is nice.. the mango puree is veri rich... yummy.. but then price of HK food is realli a bit steep... a decent meal needs at least $4-5 SGD..
we wanted to shop.. but to shop, we need to get to the correct place... first few days were a bit of a disappointment coz we din managed to find the place that promised good prices.. our good luck came on the last day where we managed to locate the authenic Fa Yuen Street... haha.. stuff there veri cheap and i bomb a lot $$ there... scary...
Did a bit of sightseeing too.. went Ocean Park, n tried the pirate ship for the first time... breath-taking lah... scary lor... so high... angie was swearing all the way beside me.. so funny lor.. but i was too busy to scream tt time.. lol.
Went to the Peak also.. i like the tram ride... so steep. can practically see the building almost perpendicular to the sight.. my ears actually got blocked while gg up.. machaim on the plane during take-off..
Went to Wang Da Xian temple also... think the place is a bit commericalised also.. coz outside the temple got old aunties trying to pester and cheat our money... :(
Now that i'm home, i'm glad that i am.. coz now i'm sick.... muz recuperate liao...
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