4 days of work ended... short and sweet. like the pneumo-bear.. so cute.. kids love the bear... but some weird parents cant see that its a bear.. some say its a rabbit, a mouse, more ridiculously many actually tell their kid that it is an elephant... sometimes when i hear it, i buay tahan, to protect the identity of our pneumo-bear, i will tell the parents that its a bear... i tink the funniest one i heard was a parent saying to his little kiddo, ' hey, look at Barney!!!' i was like 'huh??!!' which part of it looks like Barney?? Barney's purple u noe... n i nearly fainted when that particular DAD turn to his back. you noe wat?? he was carrying his son Barney bag and Barney just right behind him and he cant see the difference... a bit hmm rite... hahaha
but realli happy to work in this Motherhood fair... some kids are realli beautiful and cute... this fair also strenghten my liking for 3 year olds... u noe, 3 year olds are usually veri cute.. coz they jus learn to talk, they give u wonderful insights to certain things and will also steadfastly hold on to their beliefs.. its always fresh and enlightening listening to them.. they make me laugh... u noe, sometimes kids really do say the darnest things...
In view that todae's Dumplings festival, show you guys my first xiang yang dumpling i made at my ah ma's house few weeks ago.. haha somehow my mum very enthu for me to learn (dunno why)... when the dumplings are cooking, she purposely took raw glutinuous rice and taught me how to wrap it... :) at least now my dumplings has 4 edges... hahaha
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