yipee yaya yipee yipee ya,
yipee yaya yipee yipee ya,
yipee yaya yipee yipee yaya,
yipee yipee yaya yipee yipee ya.
FYP has officially ended!!!!! woots~
i'm so happy, i'm so glad
yest was the poster display. hee i got 2nd placing for my poster for my category. was a tie with cons, hee at least we didnt throw ac's face. but jl still up him.. hahahaha. was veri happy that it has ended. i tink all my comrades will feel the same.
haven felt such freedom in a long time already. have been imagining this day for so long. at last its here. the amt of tears, sweat and frustration over it.
As ac promised, he's gg to bring us all out for a meal. no budget.. haha. date set. place tbc by us!! muhahaa.. hc suggest $100/pax.. evil..but we don mind i guess...
Haha, you look so relieved and happy in your photo. I think you should frame these photos up and tell yourself "I completed a bloody horrible honors thesis and survived!"
You know, right now I'm wondering if I should do an honors project or not... bleah. The work that you put in... oh my... we'll see!
u shld if u can la. i'm sure u have the resilent spirit to survive it. its not as though u haven written papers before. shldnt b a problem for u :)
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